Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Norway - Sea Days

Just spent two days cruising south through the passages and fiords on our way to Trondheim.

Hours of just watching the scenery go by. Little brightly painted houses on green and rocky land edging down to the pond like water. Basically I just read, slept (hence the photo of our cabin) and worked through the cocktail menu.

At 11:30 the first night we passed into a very narrow fiord (Trollfjiord) which was so narrow there was only about 6 meters clearance either side. Tried to capture it in the attached photo but the scale was way more impressive with vertical walls either side and the snow capped mountains eerily lit by the perpetual sunset glow of midnight sun. Once in the fiord the ship had to turn on its axis using its thrusters to escape back to the passage. Apparently we were fortunate as many ships are too large to enter.

Day two brought more sloth, gluttony and beautiful scenery. Interestingly the mostly glorious sunshine was mixed with the odd bank of fog tha dropped visibility to about 20m for an hour at a time. Very unnerving traveling through such dense fog in narrow waters. At one of the foggy point (about midday) we past back accord the arctic circle (the island with the globe marker bellow). The ship celebrated this with a "crossing the arctic circle party" where they threw the officers into the pool made them kiss fish and (in British tradition) used this as an excuse to frock up and execute an unattractive drag act. What is it with the Poms?Some throw back from the military traditions and there appallingly unfunny music hall I expect.

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